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Board Minutes - September 2017

Mountain Community Co-Op Board of Directors Meeting September 11th, 2017

Note: Items in bold are approved motions. Items underlined require action.

Call of Order: 6:30

Roll Call: Clare Duncan McCahill, Linda Cox, Kay Kadoun, Laura Morehouse, Elizabeth Neuhalfen, Lori Markeson, Dianna Hendricks

Absent: Margaret Franich, Claudia Frey,

Approval of August Agenda: KC motioned to approve agenda. Lori seconds. All in favor.

Approval of July Minutes: Laura motioned to approve minutes. Linda seconds. All in favor.

Financial Report: (Beth)  As of 9/5/17, Savings Balance - $17,377.50. Checking Balance – ($336.02). Unpaid Bills - $1,018.53 Payroll Liabilities - $1,584.99 (payroll tax set aside approx. $1,284.12)  Raise the Roof fund from the bake sales and an anonymous donation of $2,000 is currently at approx. $3,000. Beth motioned to transfer $1,500 from the building repair set aside to checking to cover weekly invoices. Kay seconds. All in favor. Beth motioned to have a goal of $1,000 buffer in checking with any overage reallocated as directed by board each month to specific set asides. Linda seconds. All in favor.

Store Report: (Laura)  Minimal impact in sales compared to last August. Possibly promoting tourist next time to prevent sales dip.  Produce shares are up.  4 new members in August. Committee Report:  Facilities: (Beth) ~105 Carter priorities: 1) Replace roof with extension to east, soffit repairs and gutters. 2) New doors. 3) Siding to south exterior wall. 4) New paint. 5) Automatic transfer switch for the current generator, Dianna estimates $1,500. Old Business:  Liquor License: MCC was approved! Kay will establish new account for delivery of beer and wine with approval from SM.  Health Department: The menu review process has started. Clare will provide update next meeting.  Rummage Sale (Linda): Still need a few volunteers but donations are coming in and will be ready for sale.  Fundraising Concert and Spaghetti Feed Plan is secured. Board members will plan menu, dessert tables and silent auction still needs someone to run it. Possible Boy Scouts will be there to help. “Farm to Plate” theme was well as a water bar and Band is confirmed. New Business:  Plan for the Annual Meeting (Clare): October 9th, 6:30 pm, at the community center. Kay will send out an email with coupon announcing the meeting and Laura will send out physical post cards with coupon to members without a listed email. Coupon will expire 12/31/17.  Store Signage Consult Review: Steve Anderson agreed to design the sign and Mark and Sharon Rosenkarantz will create it. Steve is open to work with the additions as well.  Review of BSF rental contract and terms: Current maintenance of property doesn’t meet expectations. Have received complaints from community about yard aesthetic and rooster noise. Month to month agreement in place based on owner’s plan to move her business, which has not happened. Possibly raising the rent to $1,000 per month. Current lease effective January 2014. Term one year with automatic renewal for one year. Payment is currently $800 per month due at the first of the month. Late fee is $15.00 and nonsufficient funds charge is $35.00. Security deposit is $300 returned if the building is clean and in good repair except for normal use. Linda will follow up with Rick Brown on comps. Beth will audit rent invoice and will have recommendations for next year. Clare and Beth will review with BSF about lease. Beth will report next month.

Adjournment: 8:06

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