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Vegetable Picking

interested in becoming a member?

What are the benefits of membership?

  • Reduced pricing on in store items

  • Reduced pricing on produce shares

  • Improved rate on Buying Club orders

How do you become a Member/Owner?

  • Paying the annual membership dues or renewal fee.

  • Volunteering to work at least 24 hours per year. If you volunteer more than further benefits may be available to you.

  • As a member you may also receive reduced pricing on produce shares, and on Buying Club orders.

How can I volunteer?

Produce Share Packaging

On days that produce shares arrive, we need individuals to help unload inventory, wash produce and re-rebox into individual shares. 

Cashiers are responsible for waiting on customers and operating a cash register to ring up their purchases, retrieve and verify buying club orders, opening and closing the store and taking steps to ensure security, opening and closing the cash register for the shift, processing debit/credit/EBT cards for purchases, answering the phone and taking messages, updating membership information for members who come into the store to do this, and receiving buying club and produce share orders. 

Bulk Item Re-packagers
This job involves finding all the bulk items on the order sheet and figuring the current retail price, repackaging items into smaller packages, and recording prices on labels. A food handlers license is required. 

This job involves unpacking the Azure and Mt. Peoples orders, verifying that items on the invoice were received, pricing products, stocking shelves, and making note of shelf tag updates or new shelf tags needed. Place updated printed shelf tags on shelves. Could assist in producing Azure shelf tags if volunteer possesses computer skills. 

Store Orders Manager or Team
We are looking for a person or group of people who would like to help inventory the store to determine what needs to be ordered as well as to place the orders. This position can be accomplished by one person or a few. 

Promotional Sales/Marketing and Advertising
Work individually or as a team to come up with marketing and advertising ideas and thus help more people become aware of the Coop operations and increase store revenue. Search Azure and UNFI catalogs or websites to find out what is on sale the next month and work with Store staff to plan which items to put on sale that month and at what price.  Work with the Store staff to develop monthly sales fliers and occasional newspaper inserts. 

Other Store related jobs

  • Store Working Member Owner Coordination and Scheduling

  • Store pricing and price adjusting

  • Advertising and Promotions

  • Ordering

  • Store Cleaning

Office assistant

Assist in filing, making copies, assist in Co-op mailings to members, etc.

Building and Grounds
(contact us at
Address additional lighting needs in the Co-op
Help with various carpentry or electrical projects.
As with all buildings there is a continual need for maintenance, repairs and upgrades.  If you would like to assist with building project in the future, we would love to have you to help.  Please contact us at or call the Store and leave a message for Margaret Franich.

Lawn Maintenance 
Responsible for mowing and trimming lawns

Co-Op Yard Maintenance 
Plant, weed, fertilize, deadhead, water, groom flower beds, dig 
weeds in lawn, pick up street litter, sweep sidewalks
Create an Herb Garden
Water and weed flower beds, dig weeds in lawn, pick up street litter
maintain compost pile

General Building Maintenance 
Keep all aspects of the physical infrastructure of Store and rented building in good order
Repair the grape arbor

Membership Management and Communication

Track Member Volunteer Hours
This position is responsible for recording all volunteer hours in membership spreadsheets.  Knowledge of spreadsheet software is helpful.

Track Membership Status
This position is responsible for keeping information updated on current and new Co-op members.  Knowledge of spreadsheets and/or database software is helpful.

Prepare Written Articles for the Co-op newsletters, special mailings, and website
This position is responsible for contributing written articles on Co-op values such as health and nutrition, organic gardening, and environmental sustainability, for inclusion in member newsletters, special mailings, and the Co-op’s website.

Newsletter Editor or Contributor
These positions are responsible for publishing the Co-op Newsletter throughout the year to keep members updated on Co-op operations and events.

Newsletter Preparation 
This position involves printing off mailing and return address labels for newsletters and special mailings to membership.

Education Team Coordinator

Lead the Education and Outreach Team in accomplishing their tasks including Develop and organize and education or speaker series to educate members and the community on Co-op related goals such as health and nutrition, special cooking classes, organic gardening and environmental sustainability.

Member-owner/Community training and education

Our member-owners would like the Co-op to provide education on topics related to our mission including health and nutrition and topics related to making socially and environmentally responsible lifestyle choices.  We welcome ideas and proposals from those who would like to organize a cooking class, coffee talk, put together an educational lecture, or coordinate other events of interest to the Co-op.

Outreach Coordinator

Coordinate special events like the Spring into Health Fair, May Day, Fourth of July Parade, and Fall Fest so that the Co-op has a presence at these community events.  Coordinate volunteers for the July Garden Tour, the Co-op's fundraiser.

Outreach volunteers to table at events

This role is ideal for people who like to socialize and are enthusiastic about the co-op.  Outreach volunteers staff the co-op’s table or booth at special events, answer questions, and encourage community members to join.

Community Garden

Participate in the maintenance of the Garden and the food bank plots.  Assist in pick up and transport of compost materials, manure and soil for the garden. Organize educational seminars related to organic gardening and associated topics.

Event's Organizer

Develop and organize education or speaker series to educate members and the community on Co-op related goals such as health and nutrition, special cooking classes, organic gardening and environmental sustainability.

Fund Raising

Develop and organize fund raising events to raise funds for Co-op needs.

Strategic Planning

Assist the BOD in developing detailed proposals for implementing identified Co-op strategic planning tasks such as developing a gleaning project for harvesting fruit for the foodbank and assisting landowners; developing a community kitchen for members and the community to use to process organic and natural foods for resale; develop a cooperative garage for car repairs; working with the public school district to improve school lunches and include fresh local produce in menu planning; etc.

Business Preparedness Planning
Develop a Preparedness Plan for our business operations to prepare for the impact of hazards such as the recent snowstorm, earthquakes, etc.  Guidance for preparing the plan is available.  

Grant Research and Writing

Research grants available to "not-for-profit" organizations, to address various Co-op projects and needs.

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