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January Board Minutes 2018

Mountain Community Co-Op Board of Directors Meeting January 10th, 2017 Note: Items in bold are approved motions. Items underlined require action. Call of Order: 6pm Roll Call: Clare Duncan McCahill, Kay Kadoun, Laura Morehouse, Elizabeth Neuhalfen, Lori Markeson, Kevin Dorsey, Rick Brown, Linda Rapozo, Naomi Lindsey Absent: Linda Cox. Guest Speaker, Barbara Samora and Store Manager, Sean Fountain was present. Approval of January Agenda: Clair motioned to approve agenda. Kay seconds. All in favor. Approval of December Minutes: Clair motioned to approve agenda. Kay seconds. All in favor. Guest Speaker: Barbara Samora Topic: Community Garden  Please see attached document that was provided by Barbara Samora.  Electronic copy was provided to BOD and Naomi was hand delivered her copy.  It was suggested that we should buy 2 plots to support the community garden and donate produce grown there to the Eatonville Family Agency. Financial Report: (Laura)  Checking: $246.48  Accounts Receivable: $0  Savings: $11,230.69  Employee Set aside: $2,900.44  Accounts Payable: $2,698.62  Employee Liability: $2,869.58  The Finance Team met twice so far to work on the budget, once with Betsy Harris who gave us a lot of background and advice in creating the budget and another meeting spent going over previous year’s costs. Linda R. has started an initial budget from last year’s expenses that we can work from and improve as we continue to assess our needs. The Finance Team has a lot of projects and goals this year with the main goal of increasing revenue.  A lot of the projects involve reassessing everything from pricing, margins, discounts, merchant fees, Buying Club sales, Store Manager Goals, and of course, every line of the new budget.  A lot of these goals line up with my position as Store Lead, so I’ve spent a lot of time cleaning up the inventory database (“back office”) while Linda R. has spent a lot of time better organizing and streaming our QuickBooks processes.  One item we’d like to look into as a Board is exploring the option of refinancing our mortgage. In the past, a refinance was not beneficial to us because we already have a low interest rate. But if our goal is to reduce our monthly expenses, a refinance could reduce the monthly payment, helping us if we lose the rental income and also allow us to build back our savings while we work on increasing our store revenue. Rick will follow up with options and report next board meeting. Store Report: (Laura and Sean)  One item we’d like to look into as a Board is exploring the option of refinancing our mortgage. In the past, a refinance was not beneficial to us because we already have a low interest rate. But if our goal is to reduce our monthly expenses, a refinance could reduce the monthly payment, helping us if we lose the rental income and also allow us to build back our savings while we work on increasing our store revenue.  One goal is to prepare a manual for the POS that is available for cashier’s to not only learn from but to have as reference as questions or problems come up. I found out that our POS has a Training Mode that we can use to do practice transitions without worrying about effecting sales data. Sean will create a log book to reference any oddities in the POS system.  An introduction video was suggested to add to the training as well as a manual for quick reference for WMO’s working. Lori and Beth will complete the training manual by the end of February.  Produce Share prices were increased by 6% with no negative feedback. Results will be reported next meeting. Committee Report:  Raise the Roof update (Beth): o It was been closed out with $160 left. o Left over money can possibly be used to install a gutter in the back of the building. o Kevin will follow up and report next meeting.  Facilities (Kevin): o Light in freezer was replaced but other wiring issues have been identified. Kevin will follow up and report next meeting. o MS Office 365 has been installed. It was provided by Peggy McMamara and Andy Rath. Beth will send out “Thank you’s”.  Outreach and Education (Lori): o Eatonville Family Agency is demoing 4 freezer meals on January 18th at 6pm. o Possibly creating a calendar starting next year listing all our events to sell. o Rick will be the BOD representative for the community garden. Old Business:  128 Washington Ave, Black Star Feed (Lease Review, Rick) o Lease was delivered on 1/10/18. It will be required to signed and returned by end of January. o Black Star Feed was given clear instructions in regards to outside maintenance with expectations and timeframe. Lori will send email recap to Black Star Feed. o Black Star Feed gave notice of intent to stay until end of February and will be out by March 1st. o Due to Linda C.’s absents, building review of 128 Washington Ave. will be tabled until her return. Lori electronically motioned to: Accept Margaret’s request for an end of rental date on January 31, 2018. Margaret to pay in full the utilities due through her occupancy date of January 31, 2018. The building and property are to be completely emptied by the end of business January 31, 2018. Margaret will clean the building and do minor repairs visible and documented in the walk through on February 1, 2018. All cleaning and minor repairs to be completed by February 5th and keys returned to a Board member at the final walk through. Accept Margaret’s willingness to forfeit her deposit in lieu of lack of 30 days written notice. Rick seconds. 8 votes yes, 2 no. Motioned passed Strategic Plan: (Review, Beth)  This topic will be table until next meeting. New Business: 2018 Fundraisers:  The Spring Event will be a Plant and Rummage Sale. Rick motioned to have the Spring Event be a plant and rummage sale. Kevin Seconds. All in favor.  Lori motioned to form a committee for the Spring Event. Kay seconds. All in favor.  Summer, fall and winter event ideas were tabled.  Kay will send out an email with the ideas that were shared at the annual retreat for BOD’s review.  Another idea that was suggested for the spring event was a tea party.  Linda will create a donation log for reference. It was suggested that we create a line item for donations with dollar amounts attached to them. Kay motion electronically to accept the donation of the greenhouse donation and locate it to 105 Carter St., Eatonville, WA 98328 on the cement pad (previous Produce Share location). Linda C. Seconds. 9 in favor. 1 not available. Adjournment: 8:02pm

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