Board Minutes - August 2017
Mountain Community Co-Op Board of Directors Meeting August 14th, 2017 Note: Items in bold are approved motions. Items underlined require action. Call of Order: 6:42 Roll Call: Clare Duncan McCahill, Linda Cox, Kay Kadoun, Laura Morehouse, Elizabeth Neuhalfen, Lori Markeson, Margaret Franich, Claudia Frey Absent: Dianna Hendricks Approval of August Agenda: Linda motioned to approve agenda. Laura seconds. All in favor. Approval of July Minutes: Kay motioned to approve minutes. Linda seconds. All in favor. Financial Report: (Beth) Cost of goods and payroll expenses are down. Income is up. MCC is going in a positive direction. Store Report: (Laura) Milk sales are up and overall sales are holding despite August being a slow month. We are still getting “new to Eatonville” customers and 6 new members have joined Even though the board covered for the SM shifts, we are in need for more WMO in the store to help fill in for cashiers. Flyers were made for Buyer’s Club, milk and members but not for Produce Share. Clare and Laura will complete and distribute flyer for Produce Share Committee Report: Facilities: (Beth) ~Quotes for new doors, roof, siding, gutters and roof extension were review and paint costs were considered. Total cost should be around $10,000 to improve the store front. Linda will supply equipment and donate trim. Kay will help tear off roof but we will need more WMO help. ~Fundraising (“Raise the Roof”) will help cover some of the cost of this project. ~A deep cleaning of the kitchen, bathroom, closet, storage and produce tent has been completed. ~Lawn mower has been replaced Old Business: Liquor License: The school and Town approved of MCC selling wine and beer. We are still waiting for a response from the church as a courtesy. Kay will move forward with developing a menu and final approve will be made by SM. Health Department: We are able to have a bake sale so we will start on Saturday and every Saturday after that. In regards to the sale of “ready made” foods, it will require $400 for the department to review our permits to see if we can offer food like salads, wraps, boiled eggs, etc. that is prepared by MCC. Beth motioned to approve payment for the review of menu. Claudia second. All in favor. Annual Meeting/Rummage all: The date will be in September and the location may possibly be the community center. Some of the fundraising ideas were rummage sale, silent auction and dinner with donations optional. It was suggested the Barbara Samora may do a tour of the community garden to raise awareness. Elections will also be held during the annual meeting so getting the word out will be a priority. Beth will check with a band, then the community center to finalize date and times. New Business: Veggies for Black Star Feed: it was decided that no veggie will be planted but grass will need to be there. Concerns with conflict of interests. Claudia will follow up with Diane in regards to farmers that provide produce to MCC can still serve on the board. Worn MCC sign: Naomi will get an estimate and possibly redo both MCC signs. Possible new logo design to reflect MCC. Monthly Minute: Kay will provide via email, highlights of MCC on a monthly basis. Adjournment: 8:27